AFM Resources Blog

AFM Employees Participate in NAMIC's Congressional Contact Program

Written by Alicia Kline | Jun 27, 2023 2:01:21 PM

AFM’s own Christiana Jarrett, Alicia Kline, and Karen Morris traveled to Washington DC to participate in the NAMIC Congressional Contact Program. This year’s delegation from North Carolina consisted of 5 individuals, which meant that AFM’s involvement was very noticeable.

Each year, the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC) invites employees from its member insurance carriers to meet with their state’s Congressional offices to discuss current topics that impact the property and casualty insurance industry. This year’s topics included state-based insurance regulation, right to repair, data privacy, and cyber insurance.

After convening at the NAMIC offices in Washington DC on June 20th to go over the agenda for the office visits, the following day was spent on Capitol Hill meeting with 9 different North Carolina Congressional offices to provide the legislators with information on the above topics and to inform them of NAMIC’s position on each issue.

In addition to speaking about the issues at hand, the delegation also had the honor of presenting NAMIC awards to three Congressional offices which recognized their ongoing commitment to protecting the interests of the insurance industry.

After a full and rewarding day of meeting with North Carolina Congressional offices, the group also had the unique opportunity to use gallery passes to watch the House of Representatives conduct a live vote.

For more information regarding NAMIC’s Congressional Contact Program, check our their website here.