Trusted Advice

Claims are an inevitable part of the insurance business. While some carriers may instruct insureds to contact them directly for any type of claims discussion, here at AFM, we do things a bit differently. We want our insureds to call their agent prior to filing any claim. Here’s some major reasons why.

· The writing agent has an existing relationship with the policyholder. This can be a time when an agent’s expertise and customer service skills can really shine. Let’s face it; speaking to a random voice on the other end of a phone line can be very impersonal. Dealing directly with someone an insured already knows can help to make an unpleasant situation a little less overwhelming.

· Agents can help to assess whether filing the claim is the best course of action. In discussing the loss with their client, an agent may be able to easily determine that there would not be any coverage under the policy, or that a covered loss amount would be less than the deductible. Agents can also advise their clients how filing a claim might affect future premiums and compare that with the cost of the insured paying out of pocket for repairs. AFM employees cannot provide coverage advice to insureds, as this is a conflict of interest. Our employees can only file the claim.

· If a claim is to be filed, agents can either assist the insured in submitting this on AFM’s website, or the agent can file the claim on behalf of the insured. The agent can prepare the insured for the information that will be asked during the claims submission process, such as date of loss.

· The agent knows right away when a loss situation occurs. After a claim is filed, the agent can advise of next steps and follow up with the insured periodically to make sure that things are running smoothly. They can answer questions along the way and proactively help the insured set reasonable expectations for the claims process. If any issues should arise, the agent is already up to speed.

Please note that agents are always welcome to contact AFM if assistance is needed in responding to inquiries regarding potential or filed claims. We’ll be happy to help.

AFM strives to provide excellent service to our policyholders, and as the face of our company to many of our insureds, our independent agent partners play a large role in achieving this. Acting as a trusted advisor during a time of need can exponentially increase your client’s satisfaction with both AFM and your agency in general.  

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